Monday, July 11, 2011


"...a thumping tangle of spirited fun."  "...does a spanking job of turning raunchy into rollicking."  "...a ribald pleasure hunt."  (Christine Howey, Plain Dealer)

"...very funny stuff indeed."  "...very well written, very well designed, and very well performed. It is also very well directed." "The Miracle at Naples is a romp, pure and simple."  (Bob Abelman, News-Herald)

"From its very first line, "To hell with my virginity!" to its
obvious happily ever-after ending, convergence continuum's THE MIRACLE AT
NAPLES is raunchy, ribald and funny.  It is definitely recommended for mature audiences who are looking for summer entertainment and aren't uptight."  (Roy Berko, The Times Newspapers,

Read Christine Howey's full PD review at Roy Berko's at

The Miracle at Naples is an outrageously smart and bawdy commedia
dell'arte-inspired sex farce about traveling players who land in Naples in
the autumn of 1580 at the time of the annual miracle of San Gennaro, when the rag-tag band of actors and the locals they encounter entangle themselves in a wildly hilarious mire of erotic and sexual confusions.

The Miracle at Naples runs Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm at the Liminis, 2438 Scranton Rd., Cleveland 44113 in the historic Tremont neighborhood.  General admission $15, Seniors (65+) $12, Students $10. Reservations at or call 216-687-0074.

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